How it Works

We work with Nicaraguans to ensure the assistance gets where it’s needed most.

We work with the local churches in the barrios to find the best place to expand our reach - to drill a well and assess the potential for businesses in the barrio.

We rely on local leadership to ensure the best return on your investment.

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Water provides life.

We find the best place in the barrio to drill a well. Normally, this is a central place, easily accessible to most people.

Cost: $5,000 - $10,000 USD.

Benefit: Clean drinking water within a 15 minute walk.


A job provides dignity.

We identify those in the barrio who have a skill which could provide income for their family, as well as a responsible character. By providing grants, we can help fund their small business startup costs.

Cost: $1,500 USD.

Benefit:  Jobs are provided, families are supported, hope is realized

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Customize Your Investment

Any investment, large or small, will change a life. Your generosity makes a difference! 

Note: ALL donated funds are used for program purposes only. Administrative expenses are paid from a separate fund.


Derlin Antonio Mayorga

Derlin, a married father of 4 children, knew how to make tortillas. He was given a grant from Chosen Children and bought a stove and supplies. Today he makes 700 tortillas a day and he provides a job for one other person in the barrio.

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Jairo Lopez Mairena

Jairo, a married father of 3 children, knew how to bake. A business grant provided for construction of an outdoor oven for him to bake bread, which he delivered to customers on his bicycle. He expanded the number of bread pans with a no-interest loan. Six years later, he earns 3 times the normal income for his community, employs 2 others from the community to help bake bread, and delivers it on his motorcycle.

Learn more about Jairo’s story here.

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Haydee Marcia Garcia

Haydee, a pastor’s wife, was a seamstress who sewed by hand for residents of the barrio. With a grant from Chosen Children Ministries, Haydee was able to purchase a sewing machine and she now makes uniforms for children to wear to school, as well as backpacks.


Get Involved

Three lives improved. Three families changed. Three communities enhanced.
You can make an impact on a community - and we’d love to partner with you in that.